June 28th to July 1st
Dear Sponsors,
After a successful show in 2023 we are committed to making the 2024 Rio Grande Rodeo one of the best shows in the Peace Country.
We are a volunteer association that delivers an open format rodeo every year on July 1st. This year the Rio Grande Rodeo will be celebrating it's 108th year of providing a spectacular event. The association hosts a three day event with one day dedicated to our future rodeo stars ranging in age from 4 to 16 years old, and a two-day main rodeo which includes all the exciting rodeo events including chuck wagon races. Come out and enjoy the live entertainment with the whole family.
Events such as the Rio Grande Rodeo would not be possible without the support of our dedicated volunteers who spend long hours working behind the scenes for months to make our rodeo the best it can be, other local community associations, donations, and sponsorships from businesses of all sizes make an equally important contribution.
We would be honored if your business would support the Rio Grande Rodeo and become a part of our 108- year tradition of keeping western heritage alive. Whether it be a financial donation, event sponsorship, volunteer labor, or supplied equipment. We appreciate all contributions from sponsors past, present and future. A sponsorship commitment letter is attached if you wish to donate to our 2024 Rodeo.
If you have any questions regarding sponsorship or a donation, please feel free to contact any member the rodeo association executive, message via Facebook Messenger, or send an email to
Cassie Tallman, President
Rio Grande Sports Association

Sponsor Benefits
- Recognition on website, facebook, rodeo program
- 10 free adult day passes
- 10 free beer garden tickets
- Sponsor board in arena
- Advertising from announcer during rodeo
- Company name on beer gardens for one full year
- Company flag under Canada flag located infield
- Free camping for 6 units
Sponsor Benefits
- Recognition on website, facebook, rodeo program
- Choice of sponsorship of any rodeo event. (First come first serve)
- Advertising from announcer during rodeo
- Sponsor board in beer gardens for one full year
- sponsor board in arena
- Free camping for 4 units
- 8 free adult day passes
- 8 free beer garden tickets
Sponsor Benefits
- Recognition on facebook, website and Rodeo program
- choice of sponsorship of any rodeo event. (First come first serve)
- Advertising from announcer during rodeo
- sponsorship board in beer gardens for one full year
- sponsor board in arena
- Free camping for three units
- 6 free adult day passes
- 6 free beer garden tickets


Sponsor Benefits
- recognition on website, facebook and rodeo program
- Choice of sponsorship of any rodeo event. (First come first serve)
- Letter sized page advertisement on bulletin board
- Advertising from announcer during rodeo
- sponsor board in arena
- Free camping for two units
- 5 free adult day passes
- 5 free beer garden tickets

- Recognition on website, facebook and rodeo program
- Letter page sized advertisement on bulletin board
- Sponsorship board in arena
- Advertising from announcer during rodeo
- 4 Free adult day passes, 4 free beer garden tickets
- Free camping for one unit

- Recognition on website, facebook page and Rodeo program
- Letter page sized advertisement on bulletin board
- Sponsorship board in arena
- Advertising from announcer during rodeo
- 3 free adult day passes
- Free camping for one unit
- Sponsor on website, facebook and rodeo program
- letter page sized advertisement on bulletin board
- Advertising from announcer during rodeo
- 2 Free adult day passes
- Sponsor on website, facebook page and letter page sized advertisement on bulletin board
- Advertising from announcer during rodeo